I am a fullstack web developer with an interest in design, accessibility, and using tech for social good. I currently work as a developer for Spelman College’s Center of Excellence for Minority Women in STEM, and as an entrepreneur in residence at Blue Ridge Labs.

On this page you can see some of the projects I’ve built when I was learning how to code. You can find out more and view the source code for the projects below and some other open source projects that I’ve contributed to on my Github, or visit the live projects by clicking on the images below.

Current work-in-progress: a Lenape-English native seed store built with Next.js, Tailwind, Prisma, and Postgres

Birds of NY: a memory card game made with React

CV builder: my first project built with React

A risograph inspired etch-a-sketch

A weather forecasting site: practice with APIs and concurrency.

A minimalist to-do list site: practicing responsive design and using the module pattern

Calculator: practice with loops and array methods

Battleship: practicing test-driven development

A simple image carousel. This illustration is by Marjane Satrapi.